Geoff Teall ....... Biography

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Geoff Teall
"Most of what you want to get done, you want to get done without allot of jumping" -Geoff Teall

Available on DVD No.2<br>Geoff Teal<br>Riding & Lecturing<br>Chapman<br>Austrian Warmblood<br>8 yrs. old Gelding<br>Training: 2nd Year Green Hunter<br>Owner: Deeridge Farm<br>Duration: 30 minutes

Available on DVD No.2
Geoff Teal
Riding & Lecturing
Austrian Warmblood
8 yrs. old Gelding
Training: 2nd Year Green Hunter
Owner: Deeridge Farm
Duration: 30 minutes

VID: 45906

Geoff Teall<br>
Riding & Lecturing<br>
Royal Return<br>
German Warmblood<br>
5 yrs. old Gelding<br>
Training: Pre-Green/Adult Hunter<br>
Owner: Debbie Perkins<br>
Duration: 36 minutes

Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
Royal Return
German Warmblood
5 yrs. old Gelding
Training: Pre-Green/Adult Hunter
Owner: Debbie Perkins
Duration: 36 minutes

VID: 668007

Geoff Teall<br>Riding & Lecturing<br>Hat Trick<br>KWPN<br>12 yrs. old <br>Training: Adult Amateur Hunter<br>Duration: 34 minutes

Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
Hat Trick
12 yrs. old
Training: Adult Amateur Hunter
Duration: 34 minutes

VID: 984807

Geoff Teall<Br>Riding & Lecturing<br>Fiorello<br>9 yrs. old KWPN<br>Training: Adult Amateur Hunter<br>Duration: 30 minutes

Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
9 yrs. old KWPN
Training: Adult Amateur Hunter
Duration: 30 minutes

VID: 20142007

Geoff Teall<br>Riding & Lecturing<br>Candy Man<br>Oldenburg <br>7 yrs. old Gelding<br>Training Green Hunter<br>Duration: 32 minutes

Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
Candy Man
7 yrs. old Gelding
Training Green Hunter
Duration: 32 minutes

VID: 8052008

Geoff Teall<br>
Riding & Lecturing<br>
German Breed<br>
Owner: Sylvia Detoledo<br>
4 yrs. old Gelding<br>
Training:Green Hunter<br>  
Duration:21 minutes

Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
German Breed
Owner: Sylvia Detoledo
4 yrs. old Gelding
Training:Green Hunter
Duration:21 minutes

VID: 862010

Available on DVD No.1<br>Geoff Teal<br>Riding & Lecturing<br>Artistic<br>Owned by:<br> Lucy Mitchell-Innes<br>German Warmblood Gelding<br>14 yrs. old<br>Training: Adult Hunter<br>Duration: 28 minutes

Available on DVD No.1
Geoff Teal
Riding & Lecturing
Owned by:
Lucy Mitchell-Innes
German Warmblood Gelding
14 yrs. old
Training: Adult Hunter
Duration: 28 minutes

VID: 60607

Geoff Teall<br>
Riding & Lecturing<br>
7 yrs. old Gelding<br>
Training: Pre-Hunter<br>
Owned by:<br>
Amy Swerdin<br>
Duration: 26 minutes

Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
7 yrs. old Gelding
Training: Pre-Hunter
Owned by:
Amy Swerdin
Duration: 26 minutes

VID: 3132011

Geoff Teall<br>
Riding & Lecturing<br>
15 yrs. old Gelding<br>
Training: Adult Hunter<br>
Owner: Pat Fulchine<br>
Duration: 24 minutes

Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
15 yrs. old Gelding
Training: Adult Hunter
Owner: Pat Fulchine
Duration: 24 minutes

VID: 3122011

Geoff Teall<br>Schooling for the Derby<br>
Melissa Clanton Bark<br>
German Warmblood<br>
9 yrs. old Gelding<br>
Training: Derby Horse<br>
Owner: Enterprise Farm<br>
Duration: 29 minutes

Geoff Teall
Schooling for the Derby
Melissa Clanton Bark
German Warmblood
9 yrs. old Gelding
Training: Derby Horse
Owner: Enterprise Farm
Duration: 29 minutes

VID: 3102012

Geoff Teall<br>
Riding & Lecturing<br>
Winter Castle<br>
10 yrs. old Gelding<br>
Training: Adult Hunter<br>
Owner: Vennessa Symmons<br>
Duration: 23 minutes

Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
Winter Castle
10 yrs. old Gelding
Training: Adult Hunter
Owner: Vennessa Symmons
Duration: 23 minutes

VID: 3052011

Geoff Teall<br>
Riding & Lecturing<br>
7 yrs. old Gelding<br>
Training: PRE-Hunter Amateur<br>
Owner: Debbie Perkins<br>
Duration: 21 minutes

Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
7 yrs. old Gelding
Training: PRE-Hunter Amateur
Owner: Debbie Perkins
Duration: 21 minutes

VID: 3092012

Available on DVD No.4<br>Geoff Teall<br>
Riding & Lecturing<br>
Quatro Dos<br>
German Breed<br>
4 yrs. old Hanovarian<br>
Training: Baby Green Hunter<br>
Duration:28 minutes

Available on DVD No.4
Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
Quatro Dos
German Breed
4 yrs. old Hanovarian
Training: Baby Green Hunter
Duration:28 minutes

VID: 962010

Geoff Teal<br>Assisting<br>Chris Ewanowski<br>Tarquin<br>American Thoroughbred<br>17 yrs old Gelding<br>Training: Adult Amateur Hunter<br>Duration: 41 minutes

Geoff Teal
Chris Ewanowski
American Thoroughbred
17 yrs old Gelding
Training: Adult Amateur Hunter
Duration: 41 minutes

VID: 32007

Geoff Teall<br>
Riding & Lecturing<br>
Black Jack<br>
German Breed<br>
Owner:Kelly Levine<br>
9 yrs. old Gelding<br>
Training: JR Hunter<br>
Duration:31 minutes

Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
Black Jack
German Breed
Owner:Kelly Levine
9 yrs. old Gelding
Training: JR Hunter
Duration:31 minutes

VID: 1062010

Geoff Teall<br>Riding & Lecturing<br>Take Me<br>Owner:  Madelaine Toulas<br>KWPN Gelding<br>9 yrs. old<br>Training Junior Hunter<br>Duration: 32 minutes

Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
Take Me
Owner: Madelaine Toulas
KWPN Gelding
9 yrs. old
Training Junior Hunter
Duration: 32 minutes

VID: 6202008

Geoff Teall<br>
Riding & Lecturing<br>
Capital Call<br>
German Warmblood<br>
7 yrs. old Gelding<br>
Training: 1st  yr. Green<br>
Owner: Pat Fulchino<br>
Duration: 21 minutes

Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
Capital Call
German Warmblood
7 yrs. old Gelding
Training: 1st yr. Green
Owner: Pat Fulchino
Duration: 21 minutes

VID: 3032011

Geoff Teall<br>Riding & Lecturing<br>Tarquin<br>Thoroughbred<br>14 yrs. old Gelding<br>Training: Adult Hunter<br>Owner: Lilla Ward<br>Duration: 35 minutes

Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
14 yrs. old Gelding
Training: Adult Hunter
Owner: Lilla Ward
Duration: 35 minutes

VID: 317007

Geoff Teall<br>
Riding & Lecturing<br>
8 yrs. old Gelding<br>
Training: Adult Hunter<br>
Owner:Sydney Keith<br>
Duration: 23 minutes

Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
8 yrs. old Gelding
Training: Adult Hunter
Owner:Sydney Keith
Duration: 23 minutes

VID: 20110616

Geoff Teall<br>
Chris Ewanouski<br>
7 yrs. old Gelding<br>
Training: Pre-Green Hunter<br>
Owner: Amy Swerdlyn<br>
Duration: 27 minutes

Geoff Teall
Chris Ewanouski
7 yrs. old Gelding
Training: Pre-Green Hunter
Owner: Amy Swerdlyn
Duration: 27 minutes

VID: 3072011

Available on DVD No.3<br>Geoff Teall<br>Riding & Lecturing<br>Intuition<br>KWPN<br>9 yrs. old Bay Gelding<br>Training: 3.6ft Division<br>Junior Hunters<br>Duration: 33 minutes

Available on DVD No.3
Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
9 yrs. old Bay Gelding
Training: 3.6ft Division
Junior Hunters
Duration: 33 minutes

VID: 152807

Geoff Teall<br>Riding & Lecturing<br>Echo<br>KWPN<br>by: Harlem<br>7 yrs. old Gelding<br>Training: Amateur Hunter<br>Duration: 37 minutes

Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
by: Harlem
7 yrs. old Gelding
Training: Amateur Hunter
Duration: 37 minutes

VID: 455007

Geoff Teall<br>
Riding & Lecturing<br>
Captain Jack<br>
10 yrs. old Gelding<br>
Training: Amateur Hunter<br>
Owner: Debbie Perkins<br>
Duration: 25 minutes

Geoff Teall
Riding & Lecturing
Captain Jack
10 yrs. old Gelding
Training: Amateur Hunter
Owner: Debbie Perkins
Duration: 25 minutes

VID: 3182011